Bravery Box receives no government funding. We run on the amazing dedication of our volunteers. Our offices are kitchen tables and our board room is Tanya’s living room.
All of your donations help support the child, support the family and support research
Rewards Program
The gift rewards are more meaningful than a prize for a ‘job well done’. This program helps children look forward to going to hospital by giving them an exciting non-medical focus to their day. It allows them to practice recovery – that moment from ‘this is awful’ to ‘I’m OK now’.
The better a child becomes at recovery, the easier a medically complicated life can be for them. This program helps a child with cancer feel deeply supported by their community at a time that can feel intensely isolating.

Team T-Shirts
When we launched our team T-Shirts in 2018, we could not have predicted how meaningful they were going to become.
Children proudly wear their “This is what BRAVE looks like” shirt when they want to celebrate their courage and when they need to find a little extra bravery.
Some very special Bravery Boxers have worn their shirts during their end of life and at their funerals.
The shirts have become deeply cherished.
Host a fundraiser
We’ve had some awesome fundraisers hosted in our name – The annual Brews, Bites & Beats, Drag Queen Bingo, Head Shaves, Free Dress Days, Bravery Bake Sales. If you have an idea, we’d LOVE to hear it.

Cancer Research
The success of our programs lies with our volunteers who have hearts the size of a planet.
Any funds we collect over and above our program costs are donated to science; big beautiful brains researching an end to childhood cancer.
NO child should ever have to be cancer brave.